Terms of Use & Policies
By using homeschoolhall.com and/or app.homeschoolhall.com (collectively: “Homeschool Hall”, “Homeschool Hall Application”, “Application”, “App”), owned and operated by Homeschool Solutions LLC (“we”, “us”, “our”), you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy (“Terms”) on this page. Data Protection and Privacy, along with honest business practices, are imperative for Homeschool Hall. These Terms are in place to aid in this effort and make our policies clear.
Our greatest desire is to serve the homeschool community and be a blessing to others, and we have no desire to swindle anyone. If you have any questions regarding these Terms, you may contact us at info@homeschoolhall.com or (417) 501-4997.
Acceptable Content
Homeschool Hall is founded by believers in Jesus Christ, and we will make decisions about content that appears on the Application based on our understanding of the Bible to determine what is and what is not Acceptable Content. We use the ESV and/or the NASB translations of the Bible to make such determinations.
Content includes, but is not limited to, any text, link(s), graphic(s), or video(s) that appear on the Application.
The Application is not solely for the use of believers in Jesus Christ, nor is all secular or non-Christian Content automatically prohibited, but we will not allow Content on the Application which violates clear commands and/or principles of the Bible as we understand them. If such Content is determined to not comply with this Acceptable Content policy, we reserve the right to remove and/or reject it.
Some Content that is removed and/or rejected may be eligible for review. We will only reconsider such Content if the Content has changed to comply with this Acceptable Content policy. You may contact us at info@homeschoolhall.com to request a Content review.
Application Tools & Plans
Below are outlined our policies for specific tools within the Application, which are in addition to the policies written on this page and elsewhere on the Application.
Homeschool Hall Activity Journal
Payments and Subscriptions
When you sign up for a paid Activity Journal plan, you will be charged at the time of signup for the amount shown on your selected plan. Additionally:
- If you selected a Monthly plan at signup, every month thereafter until you cancel, you will be charged ongoing for your plan;
- If you selected a Yearly plan at signup, every year thereafter until you cancel, you will be charged ongoing for your plan;
- If you selected a Lifetime plan at signup, you will be charged only once for your Activity Journal plan.
Changing Your Plan
If you switch to a different Activity Journal plan (for example, from the Monthly to the Yearly plan), you may do so by requesting via email at support@homeschoolhall.com or from within your account in the App when available. Plan changes may be prompted at any time, but the change and associated charge to your payment method will occur at the end of your current plan’s billing cycle, at which point you will be charged for the amount of the new plan.
Refunds & Cancellations
You may request cancellation and a full refund within 14 days of initially signing up for any paid Activity Journal plan, with the following exception(s):
- If you created and downloaded a Transcript that was not purchased separately from your Activity Journal plan, you are ineligible for a refund, and you may not cancel for 3 months from the date you signed up for the Activity Journal. This is clearly stated and requires additional consent when downloading a Transcript from the Activity Journal, so you don’t need to worry about doing this accidentally. We have no intentions of tricking anyone into becoming ineligible for cancellation.
- As stated above, refunds for Activity Journal subscriptions only apply to the initial signup. If you cancel and sign back up later with a new subscription, this new subscription is ineligible for refund.
For any Activity Journal subscription, you may cancel at any time by contacting us at support@homeschoolhall.com. For cancelled subscriptions, we will provide a refund if you are eligible. If you request cancellation and your plan is ineligible for a refund, access to the Activity Journal will end on the date your billing cycle ends.
Gift Cards
- Gift Cards for the Activity Journal may be purchased at any time regardless of your Activity Journal subscription status.
- Gift Cards may only be purchased for another person and may not be used on your own account.
- Gift Card orders are non-refundable.
- Gift Cards do not expire unless an expiration date is explicity shown in either the email to the recipient or the order confirmation page after the original purchase.
- Gift Cards are transferrable, as long as the Gift Card has not been redeemed.
- Gift Cards do not hold monetary value and can not be redeemed for anything other than Activity Journal access for the duration specified for that Gift Card.
Activity Journal Data Retention
For active paid accounts, we will retain Activity Journal data you enter while logged into the App as long as your account remains active. For inactive/canceled subscriptions, we will retain Activity Journal data you entered while your account was active for a period of no less than three (3) months after your paid plan is canceled.
You may also request that we delete your Activity Journal data (and all Entries from the children in your account) or delete your entire Homeschool Hall account and all associated data.
This policy is in place to prevent the entire loss of work & time that you put into your Activity Journal in the case of a brief lapse in payment or active subscription status.
Homeschool Hall Transcript Builder
Payments and Packages
Access to the Transcript Builder tool requires a minimum of 1 (one) paid Transcript order. Transcripts are sold per student, and you may choose to order only one or multiple at the same time. Pricing, and any quantity discounts, will be displayed during the order process.
Transcripts are sold as one-time charges and do not have recurring subscription fees.
Former Activity Journal Subscriber Notes
Any Transcripts created while an active Activity Journal subscriber will not be downloadable if you cancel your Activity Journal subscription, but you may purchase a Transcript to see any Transcripts created while you were an active Activity Journal subscriber.
Transcript Data Retention & Time Limits
We will store data for each Transcript for 2 (two) years after the first time you download that Transcript. This timeline is per Transcript, not per account. If, for example, you purchase two Transcripts 1 year apart, each one will have a 2 year data retention window from the date you download each one.
NOTE: The above data retention window does not apply for active Activity Journal subscribers, whose Activity Journal and Transcript Builder data is always retained as long as the subscription is active.
We do not store the Transcript PDF file that is generated when you download your Transcript; we only retain the data used to dynamically generate the Transcript PDF file.
Prior to downloading a Transcript, we do not currently have a time limit for when you need to finish and download the Transcript. This allows you to purchase multiple for all your children at once to take advantage of any quantity or promotional discounts while not requiring that you complete and download them by a certain date.
- You may request that we delete any Transcript and associated student data at any time.
- You may edit and re-download each Transcript as many times as you need within your data retention window.
- All Transcript fields except the student date of birth can be changed at any time within your data retention window. Once a student’s date of birth is set in the Transcript Builder, it can only be changed if the Transcript has not yet been downloaded, and you must submit a written request to support@homeschoolhall.com.
Ordering Additional Transcripts
If you need to order additional Transcripts beyond your initial order, you may do so at any time by visiting the Transcript Builder page while logged in to your account.
You may request a full refund within 14 days of your first Transcript order only if you have not yet downloaded a Transcript. Once you have downloaded a Transcript, your account becomes ineligible for Transcript refunds.
In accordance with this refund policy, you may request a refund by contacting us at support@homeschoolhall.com.
Homeschool Hall Directory
Payments and Cancellations
When you sign up for a paid Directory plan, you will be charged at the time of signup for the amount shown on your selected plan. Every month thereafter until you cancel, you will be charged ongoing for your plan.
When canceling a plan or switching from a paid plan to a free plan, the cancellation and changes to your priveleges will occur at the end of your current plan’s billing cycle. We do not offer refunds for paid plans.
Changing Your Plan
If you are on a paid plan, you may cancel anytime provided that your account’s current Listing count doesn’t exceed the limit for the plan you are switching to. For example, if you are on an Unlimited Plan and currently have 8 Listings, you will not be able to switch to a Business Plan (which allows up to 3 Listings), without deleting at least 5 Listings.
If you switch to a plan which costs more than your current plan (“upgrading”), you will be charged upon upgrading for the difference between your current plan and your new plan.
If you switch to a plan which costs less than your current plan (“downgrading”), the change will occur at the end of your current plan’s billing cycle; you will then be charged according to the amount of your new plan as shown on Homeschool Hall when you switch plans.
Switching from a Paid Plan to a Free Plan
If you wish to switch from a paid plan to a Free plan, the following terms apply:
- the change will not occur until the end of your current plan’s billing cycle, and;
- if you have more current listings than the Free plan allows, you must first delete any listings that exceed the Free plan’s allotment before you will be eligible to switch to the Free plan.
Privacy Policy
We value your privacy very highly and are committed to protecting all the data our App collects. You are welcome to read our Privacy Policy before using the Homeschool Hall Application (“Application”, “App”) operated by Homeschool Solutions LLC, a(n) Limited Liability Company formed in Missouri, United States (“us,” “we,” “our”), as this Privacy Policy contains important information regarding your privacy and how we may use the information we collect.
Your access to and use of the Application is conditional upon your acceptance of and compliance with this Privacy Policy. Using the App denotes acceptance of our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy applies to everyone, including, but not limited to: visitors, users, and others, who wish to access or use the Application.
By accessing or using the Application, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy. If you disagree with any part of the Privacy Policy, then you do not have our permission to access or use the Application.